
SEAS Newsletter March 2015

Dear Members & Partners,

We hope you had a good start to the year. The first quarter of 2015 has already ended and there have been many developments in the sustainable energy space and also at SEAS. 

In this issue of the newsletter, we share with you some key developments led and supported by SEAS. 

SEAS launched the Centre of Excellence for sustainable energy which will be partially funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The launch took place on the 19th of March, at the business matching event between SEAS members and Italian cleantech companies.This centre will give the SEAS members opportunity to meet with the policy makers and get first hand insight into the regional markets.SEAS is also supporting the IPEx Cleantech marketplace, which aims to match cleantech solutions & technologies with the projects in developing countries that need it. 

I am also pleased to announce that our new SEAS website is live. You should have received a unique password to log into your members portal. We encourage all SEAS members to update your company profiles in the Sustainable Energy Directory which will be marketed as a repository of sustainable energy companies in Singapore. 

Thank you and we hope you find these updates an insightful read. 
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Warm Regards,

KG Sig

Kavita Gandhi 
Executive Director, SEAS