Business tenders

Ti.Ref No :- 486065886

S20231282 Procurement Of Lccap-ghg Inventory For Two (2) Lgus In Davao Del Norte"

Address: Ma. Emelene P. Coquilla
Administrative Assistant VI
Provincial Capitol, Government Center
Tagum City
Davao Del Norte
Philippines 8100

Document Type: Tender Notice
Bidding Type: Not Specified
Project Location: Philippines
Tender Notice No: 9585467
Description: Request for quotation (rfq) :s20231282 procurement of lccap-ghg inventory for two (2) lgus in davao del norte"

1 1.00 package enhancement of local climate change action plan
(e-lccap) re: greenhouse gas inventory for two (2)
Lgus in davao del norte (talaingod and tagum city)
Contracting-out of service for the conduct of ghg
Inventory (study) and formulation ghg report for
Enhancement of local climate change action plan
Provided, that the consulting service provider shall
Perform the following scope of work, to wit;
1. develop survey design;
2. facilitate and conduct survey in study
Units/lgus identified;
3. facilitate orientation/workshops for the
Capacity building of lgu personnel involves;
4. compile, process, and tabulate raw data from
The survey based on the prescribed formats by the
Climate change commission;
5. prepare the inception, interim and final reports
Wherein the report shall also include the data
Dictionary, details of the survey methodology, as
Well as the full analysis and discussion of the
Survey results;
6. provide necessary statistical software and/or
Computer programs that will be used in the
Completion of the deliverables; and
7. conduct presentations, as appropriate, for the
Assessment and finalization of outputs which will
Be, at the same time, the venue for submitting the
Final report on the results of the survey
Shall be responsible of the following;
1. the consultant shall develop the survey design;
2. the consultant shall coordinate with the study
Units/lgus in the conduct of courtesy calls and
Orientations at the community level;
3. the consultant shall facilitate and conduct
Workshops for the capacity building of the lgu
Survey teams;
4. the consultant shall spearhead the survey
Onsite to gather information from communities that
Will serve as primary data for the determination of
Greenhouse gas emissions;
5. the consultant shall validate and consolidate
Inputs from the survey team;
6. the consultant shall be responsible in ensuring
Data consistency across study units/lgus and
Interpret the survey results;
7. the consultant shall directly report to the
Provincial lccap-twg thru penro on the plan of
Action and timing of the deliverables;
8. the consultant shall be physically and/or
Virtually available for consultations at least once (1)
A month, or as need arises, during the duration of
The study;
9. the consultant shall be responsible for the full
Dataset compilation and final edit and lay-out of the
Printable version of the reports, and;
10. the consultant shall be responsible for the
Development and completion of the deliverables.
More so, the consultant must have;
1. a multi-disciplined environmental consulting firm
With well-founded experience in
Environmental-related projects and has gained
Repeat clients in government and private sectors
Within the region.
2. proven capacity to provide not just merely
Professional advisory and review services, but to
Conduct the technical study and execution of
On-site acti

Deadline: 2023-03-23
Related Documents

Orginal Document

Environment and Pollution;
For accuracy, please refer to the text in the original language in the attached document.