Business tenders

Ti.Ref No :- 485007851

Improving Asset Management And Climate Resilience For National Roads T-1-1-8 Activity

Address: International Financial Centre (Ifc)
Tower 2, Level 18
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 22-23
Jakarta 12920 Indonesia+62- 21 8086 9800

Document Type: Tender Notice
Bidding Type: Not Specified
Project Location: Indonesia
Tender Notice No:
Description: Tenders are invited for Improving Asset Management and Climate Resilience for National Roads T-1-1-8 Activity

Overview Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Infrastruktur (KIAT) is a partnership between the Government of Australia and Government of Indonesia to support sustainable and inclusive economic growth through improved access to infrastructure for all people In Indonesia. KIAT works with government partners, multilateral development banks (MDBs) and civil society providing technical assistance to improve infrastructure policy, planning and delivery. KIAT also works with sub-national governments to improve the quality of infrastructure spending and planning. Through its work with central and sub-national governments, KIAT is working towards 4 End of Facility Outcomes (EOFOs): 1. Improved policies and regulations for infrastructure development 2. High quality projects prepared for financing by GOI, MDBs or the private sector 3. High quality infrastructure delivery, management, and maintenance by GOI 4. Infrastructure policies, design and delivery are more inclusive for women and people with disabilities The focus of KIAT is on the following areas: Water and Sanitation; Transport; Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI); and Infrastructure Funding and Financing (IFF). KIAT is also expanding its infrastructure activities in the areas of climate change, urbanisation and private sector participation. ETC.

Deadline: 2023-04-06
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Orginal Document

Roadways; Engineering; Environment and Pollution;
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