Business tenders

Ti.Ref No :- 484779800

Consultant For Research Officer

Address: 6 Adb Avenue,Mandaluyong City 1550, Philippines+63-2)632-6724

Document Type: Prequalification
Bidding Type: Domestic Competitive Bidding
Project Location: Philippines
Tender Notice No: 48335-002
Description: Expression of Interest: Consultant for Research officer

This assignment will support the implementation of central asia regional economic cooperation (carec) transport strategy plans, which promote regional cooperation through competitive and sustainable transport corridors.

Scope of Work: 2. The research officer will (i) identify, collect, and index relevant literature and knowledge resources, following agreed-on criteria and protocols; (ii) develop and maintain the repository of knowledge tools and resources thus identified; (iii) provide analytical inputs and help prepare presentations and progress reports on ta and carec transport sector work plan for 2023-2024; (iv) scope out and draft results stories; (v) support experts from within and outside adb in drafting and editing commissioned case studies, best practice notes, and other policy advisory and analytical products; (vi) work with the project officer, senior consultants, and coordination officer (as required) to plan and deliver ta events, and develop workshop reports; (vii) participate substantively in the final assessment of the ta; and (viii) carry out any other research and knowledge management tasks as needed. The job requires the research officer to coordinate and collaborate extensively with multiple stakeholders, including carec development partners, other teams and staff within adb, national governments, and other institutions to deliver integrated knowledge management solutions.

Engagement Period: 8 month

Consulting Services Budget: USD 28,000

Deadline of Submitting EOI: 24-feb-2023 11:59 pm manila local time

Estimated Commencement Date: 16-mar-2023

Deadline: 2023-02-24
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Orginal Document

Transportation; Engineering; Management, business and administration;
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