Business tenders

Ti.Ref No :- 481742920

Energy Saving Models In Schools And Day-care Centers In The City Of Korschenbroich


Document Type: Tender Notice
Bidding Type: Not Specified
Project Location: Germany
Tender Notice No:
Description: Tender are invited for: energy saving models in schools and day-care centers in the city of korschenbroich

The city of korschenbroich has set itself the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2045. the city administration takes on a role model function and has identified for the municipal properties that schools and day-care centers account for around 33% of energy consumption. the educational institutions therefore hold considerable potential for reducing energy consumption throughout the city. initial savings can be achieved by involving the users; in addition, working with children and young people results in a multiplier effect, which should be used through the introduction of energy saving models. potential co2 savings in the facilities should be uncovered and used by finding individual ways of integrating them into the daily operations of the educational institutions. energy-efficient building management, climate-friendly and resource-saving behavior and involvement in educational work should become a matter of course. a bonus system (introduction of fifty-fifty participation in saved energy costs) means that the facilities benefit financially from their commitment to climate protection and their energy savings. in addition, the actors take the knowledge they have gained home with them. in this way, the climate protection program makes a contribution to the municipal climate protection goals and supports the federal german climate protection efforts. the climate protection program is intended to support local actors in the teaching units or campaigns on the subject of climate and environmental protection that are taking place anyway and does not cause any additional work for the educational staff. it is intended that a total of 15 institutions are participating in the project. these are 9 day-care centers and 6 elementary schools. so far, 11 institutions have agreed to participate in the project. the introduction of energy-saving models in schools and day care centers is anchored as a measure in the integrated climate protection concept of the city of korschenbroich (measure no. sm-2) and is therefore an essential part of the climate protection work of the city of korschenbroich if the project is a funding measure for which funds have been requested from the nki, the contract will only be awarded or a contract will be concluded if the requested funding is approved.

Deadline: 2023-01-11
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Energy, Power and Electrical; Infrastructure and construction;
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