Business tenders

Ti.Ref No :- 481739583

Providing And Fixing Double Scaffolding System (cup Lock Type) On The Exterior Side, Up To Seven Story Height Made With 40 Mm Diameter Mild Steel Tube 1.5 Meter Center To Center Horizontal And Vertical Tubes Joining With Cup And Lock System With Mild Stee

Organisation Name: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
Address: Mumbai

Document Type: Tender Notice
Bidding Type: Domestic Competitive Bidding
Project Location: India
Tender Notice No: 22000046-HB-10730
Description: Tenders are invited for Providing and fixing double scaffolding system (cup lock type) on the exterior side, up to seven story height made with 40 mm diameter mild steel tube 1.5 meter center to center horizontal and vertical tubes joining with cup and lock system with mild steel tubes, mild steel tube challies, mild steel clamps and mild steel staircase system in the scaffolding for working platform etc.
erection of bamboo double staged/legged scaffolding work inclusive of supply of good quality bracing, tying strong sturdy bamboos, labour, and dismantling etc. upto third floor and all other materials complete.
providing securing and fixing the continuous vertical curtain/covering: providing and fixing scaffolding net of required width made of high density polyethylene uv stabilized knitted on warp knitting machines having density 100 gm/sqm and shading coefficient minimum 75% around the construction site/for vertical extension.
removal of internal plaster upto 50 mm: internal plaster dismantling old plaster or skirting raking out joints and cleaning the surface for plaster including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 metres lead.
chipping of loose concrete: chipping of unsound/weak concrete material from slabs, beams, columns etc. with manual chisel and/or by standard power driven percussion type or of approved make including tapering of all edges, making square shoulders of cavities including cleaning the exposed concrete surface and reinforcement with wire brushes etc.
dismantling of brick masonry at all heights by manual means or by means of mechanical means. scope includes dismantling the rcc/pcc/rr, taking away debris out of hpcl premises, cleaning the area and making it clean upto the satisfaction of eic.

Tender Category : Works

OpeningDate : Dec 21 2022 12:00AM

Deadline: 2022-12-21
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