Business tenders

Ti.Ref No :- 481720354

Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops And Peripherals - Desktop Pc; Hp , Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops And Peripherals - Desktop Pc; Acer , Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops And Peripherals - Printer (monochrome , La

Organisation Name: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
Address: Gem Tender

Document Type: Tender Notice
Bidding Type: Domestic Competitive Bidding
Project Location: India
Tender Notice No: GEM/2022/B/2822392
Description: Tenders are invited for Annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - desktop pc; hp , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - desktop pc; acer , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - printer (monochrome , laser , composite cartridge ); hp , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - printer (monochrome , laser , composite cartridge ); brother , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - multifunction printer (monochrome , laser , composite cartridge, lower range; hp , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - ups (offline 500-550 va); numeric , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - ups (offline 600-650 va); uniline , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - ups (offline 600-650 va); iball , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - visualizer; globus , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - projector; nec , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - projector; globus , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - projector; benq , annual maintenance service-sip based ippbx - interactive board; new vision; neither oem nor asp , annual maintenance service - desktops, laptops and peripherals - interactive board; globus
Qty : -

Tender Category : Works

OpeningDate : Dec 17 2022 12:00AM

Deadline: 2022-12-17
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