Business tenders

Ti.Ref No :- 481689897

Purchase Of Goods And Services For Determining The Course Of Accidents In Nuclear Power Plants And The Characteristics Of Radionuclides Released Into The Environment

Address: +370-52661588

Document Type: Tender Notice
Bidding Type: International Competitive Bidding
Project Location: Lithuania
Tender Notice No: 682003-2022
Description: Contract notice: Purchase of goods and services for determining the course of accidents in nuclear power plants and the characteristics of radionuclides released into the environment
1. software (indefinite license(s) giving the right to work at no less than 3 (three) workplaces) designed to determine the course of severe accidents in nuclear (atomic) power plants (hereinafter - without) and from the characteristics of these radionuclides released into the environment (atmosphere) (hereinafter referred to as the characteristics of emitted radionuclides), the user manual of this equipment (hereinafter referred to as the software) and 3 (three) years of technical support for the software; 2. with vver-1200/v491 type nuclear reactor computer model (hereinafter - vver-1200/v491 model) used together with software and designed to determine the course of specific severe accidents and the characteristics of emitted radionuclides together with 3 (three) years of technical support for this model ; 3. vver-1200/v491 model technical description;4. training (6-10 participants) to use software and vver-1200/v491 model.1. software (indefinite license(s) giving the right to work at no less than 3 (three) workplaces) designed to determine the course of severe accidents in nuclear (atomic) power plants (hereinafter - without) and from the characteristics of these radionuclides released into the environment (atmosphere) (hereinafter referred to as the characteristics of emitted radionuclides), the user manual of this equipment (hereinafter referred to as the software) and 3 (three) years of technical support for the software; 2. with vver-1200/v491 type nuclear reactor computer model (hereinafter - vver-1200/v491 model) used together with software and designed to determine the course of specific severe accidents and the characteristics of emitted radionuclides together with 3 (three) years of technical support for this model ; 3. vver-1200/v491 model technical description;4. training (6-10 participants) to use software and vver-1200/v491 model.

Deadline: 2023-01-09
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Orginal Document

Energy, Power and Electrical; Software Services ;
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