Business tenders

Ti.Ref No :- 481684153

Request For Expression Of Interest (eoi) For Appointment Of Consultant For Study On Incorporation Of Battery Energy Storage System For Reliable And Efficient Power Supply In Bangladesh Power Sector (s-14)

Organisation Name: POWER DIVISION
Address: Power Division & Project Director, Bangladesh Power Sector Development And Capacity Building (BPSDCB) Project, Biddyut Bhaban (Level-11), 1 Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka-1000+880-029515422

Document Type: Tender Notice
Bidding Type: Not Specified
Project Location: Bangladesh
Tender Notice No: 27.00.0000.
Description: Tenders are invited for 1. the government of bangladesh (gob) is committed to provide reliable, quality and affordable power to all. the reliable grid and distribution system is a challenge. in this regard, incorporating the battery energy storage systems (bess) into the grid and distribution system may act as a key technology for efficient transmission and distribution system, energy transition, reliability of service, efficient vre integration, grid support and carbon emissions reductions. bangladesh power sector intends to use energy storage technologies throughout the bangladesh electricity grid and distribution networks. the government is intending to analyze the role of energy storage system in the bangladesh power system for ensuring quality and reliable power supply. in this process, power division, ministry of power, energy and mineral resources under the ta for bangladesh power sector development and capacity building (bpsdcb) intends to appoint an international consulting firm to conduct study on incorporation of battery energy storage system for reliable and efficient power supply in bangladesh power sector .
2. power division now invites eois for recruitment of consultancy services from eligible firms. the objectives of this project are:
A) analyze the role of bess for quality, reliable and efficient transmission and distribution network
B) analyze the role of bess in increasing the share of more efficient variable renewable energy (vre) penetration into the grid.
C) determine the optimum capacity of bess systems for three different distribution areas with techno economic analysis and
D) incorporation of bess in the distribution network to improve the power quality and reliability.

Eligibility Criteria : -

Deadline: 2022-12-29
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Energy, Power and Electrical; Consultancy; Management, business and administration;
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