Business tenders

Ti.Ref No :- 451808499

Supporting Finance Sector And Private Sector Development In The Pacific - Digital Financial Services Expert

Address: 6 adb avenue,mandaluyong city 1550, philippines+63-2 8632 4444

Document Type: Prequalification
Bidding Type: Domestic Competitive Bidding
Project Location: Philippines
Tender Notice No: 50396-001
Description: Expression of Interest: Supporting Finance Sector and Private Sector Development in the Pacific - Digital Financial Services Expert

The consultant will support adb in the development of projects that integrate cutting edge digital technology in financial services with the objective of expanding affordable, appropriate and accessible financial services to unbanked and underserved segments of populations in the pacific. Projects will include to address the high cost of remittances through for example cryptographically verifiable transactions, and personal identification through for example biometric identification. The consultant is expected to provide substantive technical advice in designing projects and in identifying solutions through advisory services and documentation.

The consultant will:
1- act as resource person for innovative approaches to establishment of electronic KYC, transaction
monitoring based on advanced analytics, real time screening, business risk management, settlement of
funds, and business modeling.;
2- support potential projects where digital technology in financial services can be integrated with the
objective to expand access to finance and to promote financial and social inclusion;
3- support design and implementation of technical assistance/pilot projects that integrate digital
technology for financial services, including flow of remittances through money transfer operators and
its agents;
4- identify legal and regulatory requirements, international standards and government or central bank
support needed to facilitate adoption of digital financial services;
5- identify needs for and strategies to deliver financial literacy/capability training digitally; and
support in identifying best practice examples, guidelines, checklists; and
6- contribute to preparation of reports and other documentation as required; and
7- identify strategic partnerships for pilot project implementation
Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Output
Detailed tasks will include to:
1- identify and develop at least 2 use cases, that are sustainable and scalable, for which digital
financial solutions can be established. This must be client centric incrementally improving service
delivery, business processes and UX/UI;
2- assess suitable payment technologies and systems that are required to enable introduction of digital
financial solutions in the location;
3- identify requirements for introducing financial technology solutions;
4- identify legal and regulatory requirements that are needed to adopt the cashless means of transacting
activities, including AML/CFT and sanction list screening and compliance;
5- identify needs for digital financial literacy/capability and campaign strategy;
6- develop a pilot project approach and implementation;
7- identify needs for capacity building to enhance skills on digital financial technologies;
8- prepare a final report containing 10-15 pages that detail resu
Deadline: 2023-04-12
Related Documents

Orginal Document

Banking And Finance; Management, business and administration;
For accuracy, please refer to the text in the original language in the attached document.